Saturday, February 2, 2013

Report Card of My Kid Keep It Up.

I am very happy and Proud Mom, Mom know's her child.  My Kid came home with his second report card this week. It was as good as it could have possiblle. There is lovely comments on the Card  I was certainly happy to hear that he's progressing well  and improving with his beginner reading, writing, and math skills. Couple of Days ago he told me they got their second report card which is im happy and could not believe he is improving and progressing good. Wish daddy is here to witness his son for his school curricular activities he is more happy because his son is smart like him. His report card is good, wish always have a good grades as well. I gave him a hug, hug, a high five, and told him how incredibly proud of him  way to go my kid i often to remind him to study his lesson everyday spend time to tech about his lesson sometimes he is not listening my opinion he think he is perfect. he would said i know i am right   i am smile and said ok your right all the time.  But he raise his eyebraw. As a parents were proud of our kids no matter what they achieve.  Love you my kid keep up the good work.

 My kid was completely thrilled and couldn't wait to show his grandparents I should get him a reward for doing so well in school. I am very  proud of him.



  1. You must have been a proud parent for having a smart child! keep up the good work!!!

  2. good job! whatever our kids achievement is also ours :D

  3. Smart kid! It sure is a good idea to give him a reward for doing his best in school :)

  4. i can relate.. its like we are more than the best when it comes to the achievements of our children! congrats mommy and good job Charles! keep up the good work:)

  5. wow! we have the same entry for my kids's site.. We are two proud mama here.. yong sa akin lang is high school na... see it here..

  6. Congratulations Mommy!! I am sure you are proud! Congrats to Charles too!!

  7. Its really heartwarming when we reap what we sow. Congrats mommy for a job well done!
